

Hi, my name is Monique. I made a promise to my Mom, I would take care of it. I want to share my Mom’s horrifying experiences with her hospital admission during the COVID-19 pandemic. My Hope and Prayer is that my Mom’s story will bring awareness and help fight for Justice-Change against hospital malpractice. I can speak only about the hospital that admitted my Mom. The horrific, traumatizing experiences of inhumanity against my Mom from this hospital brought me to this point. Hospital malpractice should not have a place in our society. This time it was our Mom who suffered from hospital malpractice. No one should ever go through what my Mom endured. “It’s not right. It’s not fair”. Change must come.

Sign Petition.

Support the cause for Justice-Change. Help DizaJoy fight against this hospital’s careless act of malpractice.



D   Strive to make a Difference.

I   Injustice should not have a place in our society.

Z   Zero tolerance for hospital malpractice, or any type of negligence that adversely affects the lives of others.

A  Be  Accountable for your actions.

J    Justice should not be for a select few, but for ALL.

O  Help Overcome prejudice in the world.

Y   Understand that Your actions affect the lives of others.